We are located at
3383 Gilmore Way
Burnaby, BC V5G 4S1
The head office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and closed on statutory holidays.
Main switchboard telephone: 604-252-7400
For locations of BCLIQUOR (BCL) stores and their hours of operation, please visit www.bcliquorstores.com. If you have comments or conerns regarding customer service, please contact BCL's customer service team (from 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday).
Email: inquiries@bcliquorstores.com
Phone: 1-866-BCL-4YOU (1-866-225-4968)
For locations of BC Cannabis Stores and their hours of operation, please visit www.bccannabisstores.com. If your inquiry is related to an online order or you have a question directly related to shopping at BC Cannabis Stores, please contact our dedicated 24/7 Customer Care Centre:
Email: customercarecentre@bcldb.com
Phone: 1-844-420-2227
Phone: 604-252-6221
Email: communications@bcldb.com
For questions or information regarding our in-store magazine, TASTE, please contact taste.magazine@bcliquorstores.com
BC manufacturer inquiries regarding direct sales reporting:
Phone: (604) 252-7564
Email: ldbdatam@bcldb.com
Web: http://www.bcldb.com/doing-business-ldb/direct-sales-reporting
To register for direct sales web-reporting (DSWR) or if you have general inquiries about DSWR:
Email: datamanager_dswr@bcldb.com
To register for direct sales web-reporting (DSWR) training or if you have general inquiries about DSWR training:
Email: training_dswr@bcldb.com
Establishments that serve or retail liquor are licensed under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and are regulated by the Liquor & Cannabis Regulation Branch.
Toll Free: 1-866-209-2111 or 250-952-5787
Email: lclb.lclb@gov.bc.ca
Web: http://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/employment-business/business/liquor-regulation-licensing